Mother and Child inspired

Just when I thought the lifespan of my original painting Mother and Child had expired I keep finding variations and artwork inspired by my design. Finding art based on one of my paintings is very humbling, but at the same time it boosts my self-confidence in this medium. This may be just the right motivation I need to continue painting.

I have been asked about using my art and designs to create derivative artworks in the past, but I had never seen actual works until a couple of years ago, when I made a few Google searches and came up with a drawing very similar to mine. It was very interesting seeing another person’s take on one of my sketches.

Mother and Child – by Ifath, from California, USA

The first thing I noticed on this painting was the use of portrait layout instead of landscape. I like the use of thick dark lines and the variations in thickness throughout the painting. The deep blue sky helps this painting stand out. Very nicely done. I contacted the artist and we exchanged a few emails. Ifath is a very creative person who by chance happens to live near my area. We’ve never actually met in person but I hope she continues painting and hopefully one day I would be invited to one of her art exhibits.

The next painting I found via Twitter:

Mother and child – by Cami Ferreol

This painting is much closer to the colors I used on the original painting, with bright oranges and dark to light blue gradation. I like the simplified use of the characters with an almost animated style. This is nice interpretation. I specially like that I can see the strokes and the texture of the canvas.

The most recent painting I found via Facebook:

Safest Place From Storm – by Haseeb, from India

I recently found this painting on Facebook and this was the reason I decided to create this post. This artist has taken a concept and has completely converted into his own. I like the complete mix of colors, the exaggerated, sharp and bold swirls, and the overall dark tone (no stars). The title has also been appropriately changed to Safest Place From Storm. It is clear this artist has a good sense of colors and is not afraid to try different combinations. Thanks for sharing this painting.

Update 4/24/14:  New painting found:


by Aileen Kelly, from Ireland. This is a nice interpretation with an extended variation in colors and swirls. I look forward to other nice works from this artist.

All of these paintings were inspired by:

Mother and Child – by Henry Colchado

It’s an honor for me to see artwork inspired by my own designs. Seeing derivative works gives me ideas for adjusting and experimenting with my own creations. Thanks to these artist for sharing their art and for mentioning my name/painting as source of inspiration.  I will definitely be adding more paintings in the future. Till next time.

1 thought on “Mother and Child inspired

  • Hi, Mr. Colchado! Saw my work here after doing a few Google searches of myself too! Haha, so cool!

    Let me just say that it’s a great honor to see my work on the website of such an esteemed artist! (Especially since it was your beautiful piece that was my inspiration for this!) I was 15, I think, when I painted that, I made it for my grandmother on her birthday. She really loved it. 🙂

    Thanks so much for the acknowledgement! Love your work!

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